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2359 Products

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Discover Midwest Textiles & Supplies' present inventory of wholesale fabrics from our trusted fabric partners, alongside our exclusive line of fabrics, RB Studios. We are the exclusive provider of Kwik Kits - the ready-to-sew quilt kits that streamline the quilting process. Explore a diverse range of fabrics, precuts, and other exciting products by shopping with us!

As the primary supplier for custom cutting and kitting for quilt shops, we aim to assist shops in developing their businesses by creating personalized merchandise for their customers. Our services enable quilt shops to focus on growth while providing their customers with tailor-made products.

2359 Products

Vintage Vogue Laundry - Flowers Allover - Natural
Whisper - Box Stripes - Green
Whisper - Box Stripes - Grey
Whisper - Boxy Waves - Purple
Whisper - Tossed Boxes - Grey
Bare Essentials Deluxe 2 - Sugar Cubes - White
Wild Ones - Peek - Blush
Wild Ones - Lion Pounce - Frost
Happiest Dots - Happiest Dots - Sage Green
Happiest Dots - Happiest Dots - Slate Blue
Happiest Dots - Happiest Dots - Navy
Jinny Beyer Palette - Foliage - Seafoam
Jinny Beyer Palette - Foliage - Coral
River Song - Tossed Flowers - Rust
Garden Gate - Roses on Trellis - Tan
Christmas Remembered - Plaid - Red
Basically Patrick - Stars & Circles - Pink
Sew Bee It - Honeycomb Hexigons - Grey
One Sister Basics - Froth and Bubble - Dk Red
One Sister Basics - Distressed Plaid - Green
One Sister Basics - Froth and Bubble - Raisin
One Sister Basics - Froth and Bubble - Pumpkin
One Sister Basics - Distressed Plaid - Gold
Ain't Life a Hoot - Oval Owls - Beige
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